In Designer/Business Studio, I am unable to import protocol operations from BusinessConnect

In Designer/Business Studio, I am unable to import protocol operations from BusinessConnect


Article ID: KB0078137


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect 6.x.x, 7.x.x
TIBCO Business Studio 4.x.x
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for BusinessConnect 6.x.x


When you are trying to import the Protocol operations from BC 630 in to Studio for Designer 3.x/4.x with BusinessWorks 6.3.2, you may notice the below error in the Studio

In ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x.x or 6.x.x, using BC connection, when I am trying to import protocol operations from BC 6.x.x or 7.x.x, I am getting the following error.

******************** Version mismatch: existing BC installation detected


In ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x.x or 6.x.x, using BC connection, when I am trying to import protocol operations from BC 6.x.x or 7.x.x, I am getting the following error. ******************** Version mismatch: existing BC installation detected ********************


ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x.x, 6.x.x BusinessConnect 6.x.x, 7.x.x TIBCO Business Studio 4.x.x TIBCO Designer 5.x.x ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for BusinessConnect 6.x.x ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for EDI 1.x.x, 6.x.x ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for EDI Healthcare 1.x.x, 6.x.x BusinessConnect Palette 6.x.x BusinessConnect Services Plug-in 6.x.x All operating Systems


For ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.x.x, in the Designer tra file (ex: $TIBCO_HOME/designer/<version>/bin/designer.tra), you can add the below property and restart the Designer and retry the test.

For ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x.x, in the TIBCO Business Studio ini file (ex: $TIBCO_HOME/studio/<version>/eclipse/TIBCOBusinessStudio.ini), you can add the below property and restart the Studio and retry the test.
