Products | Versions |
TIBCO LogLogic Log Management Intelligence | all versions |
A minimum of three characters, and a maximum of 250 is allowed in the classic index search query field but 5MB of query text is allowed for advanced searches.
When searching for a partial word use an asterisk "*". The * must follow a character. The * wildcard represents multiple characters. If you want to use a wildcard to represent a single character then use a "?" instead.
abc* is proper whereas *abc is incorrect.
Strings or words should be in double quotes like these " ".
"word1 word2 etc"
Looking for a message with any word that starts with “fail” and without the string of words “server time out”.
fail* AND NOT "server time out" is proper, whereas fail* AND NOT server time out is bad.
Further examples of Complex Searches:
%glbp-* AND (vlan30* OR vlan400)
Below are the messages the above search found.
GLBP-6-STATECHANGE: Vlan400 Grp 10 state Active -> Speak
GLBP-4-DUPADDR: Duplicate address on Vlan3090, sourced by 0007.b400.0002
GLBP-6-FWDSTATECHANGE: Vlan400 Grp 9 Fwd 2 state Listen -> Active
%glbp-* AND (vlan30* OR vlan400) AND active
Below are the messages the above search found.
%GLBP-6-STATECHANGE: Vlan3094 Grp 0 state Standby -> Active
%GLBP-6-FWDSTATECHANGE: Vlan400 Grp 0 Fwd 1 state Active -> Listen
%GLBP-6-FWDSTATECHANGE: Vlan400 Grp 0 Fwd 1 state Listen -> Active