Inputs for timeout settings for endpoints in TIBCO Mashery Local (ML)

Inputs for timeout settings for endpoints in TIBCO Mashery Local (ML)


Article ID: KB0073954


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud API Management - Local Edition ALL


"Time to wait for a response from endpoint" will be effective as soon as Tibco Mashery Local (ML) creates a connection to the Backend.
ML will return an error if the Backend doesn't respond within the specified (Time to wait for a response from endpoint) time.

"Seconds to attempt initial connection to endpoint" is the time Mashery Local (ML) will try to create a successful connection to the Backend.

To investigate further, please also refer to Article#000042743 where different time fields captured in the access log are explained.


This article provides inputs for setting the timeout fields for endpoints and also explains how to interpret access log


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> ML's timeout counter seems to be starting after it creates a connection to the backend/sends 1st byte
> Client Transfer time is not included.

ML will return "HTTP504 Gateway Timeout" when
-- remote_total_time exceeds the "Time to wait for a response from endpoint"

- is the time taken for transfer of request/response between Client and ML

- is the time taken for the exchange between ML and Backend;
-- includes time taken for transfer as well Backed processing time

- includes remote_total_time plus any processing time ML takes.