Installing TIBCO iProcess Engine 11.6.1 hot fix releases can result in the Apache Tomcat failing to start correctly

Installing TIBCO iProcess Engine 11.6.1 hot fix releases can result in the Apache Tomcat failing to start correctly


Article ID: KB0077223


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 11.6.1


The following iProcess Engine 11.6.1 hot fixes have been reissued as they previously included additional incorrect directories and files in the Apache Tomcat directory. This could result in the Apache Tomcat failing to start correctly.

TIBCO iProcess Engine (SQL) 11.6.1 HF-011 on Windows

TIBCO iProcess Engine (SQL) 11.6.1 HF-012 on Windows

TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 11.6.1 HF-013 on Windows

TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 11.6.1 HF-014 on Linux

TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 11.6.1 HF-016 on Windows

TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 11.6.1 HF-017 on IBM AIX


Installing TIBCO iProcess Engine 11.6.1 hot fix releases can result in the Apache Tomcat failing to start correctly


IBM AIX Oracle Linux Oracle Windows Oracle Windows SQL Server


These hot fixes have been repackaged to remove the incorrect directories and files.

If either of the affected hot fix releases has been installed, the installation can be corrected by following the steps:

1. Stop all of the iProcess Engine processes.

2. Take a back-up of SWDIR and its sub-directories.

3. Remove the directories:


4. Start the iProcess Engine processes.