Installing the iProcess Web Services Server Plug-in 11.3.0 with EMS 8.x

Installing the iProcess Web Services Server Plug-in 11.3.0 with EMS 8.x


Article ID: KB0081302


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Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Web Services Server Plug-in 11.3.0


Installing the iProcess Web Services Server Plug-in 11.3.0 with TIBCO EMS 8.x Server using the TIBCO EMS 8.x client jar files.
The iProcess Web Services Server Plug-in 11.3.0 installer must be run using a 32-bit Java 1.5 JRE
The plug-in can be updated post install to use a Java 1.8 JRE at runtime.
The EMS client jar files must be provided when running the installer; however the EMS 8.3.0 client jar files cannot be used with Java 1.5.
The installer will run using the Java 1.5 JRE, however the installer will not be able to load the EMS 8.3.0 client jar files - this is required for the installer to connect to the EMS server and create the default EMS objects (queues and JNDI names).

The installer will generate an error message indicating the no conection was made to the EMS server - the iProces web Service Plug-in will be installed although no objects have been created in the EMS server.
The jetty server (installed as part of the iProcess Web services Server Plug-in) will not start if the EMS obejcts (queues and JNDI names) do not exist.


The iProcess Web Services Server Plug-in 11.3.0 installer must be run using a 32-bit Java 1.5 JRE The plug-in can be updated post install to use a Java 1.8 JRE at runtime. The EMS client jar files must be provided when running the installer; however the EMS 8.3.0 client jar files cannot be used with Java 1.5.


TIBCO iProcess Web Services Server Plug-in 11.3.0 TIBCO EMS 8.x Java 1.8 JRE


The EMS objects must be created manually using the EMS tibjmsadmin utility.
The following tibemsadmin commands must be run to manually create the default EMS queues and factories:
    create queue queue.SWDelayedRelease
    create queue queue.SWFieldCache
    create queue queue.SWInbound
    create queue queue.SWOutbound
    create queue queue.SWException
    create queue queue.SWPoison
    create queue queue.SWTimeout
    create queue queue.IPE
    create jndiname SWDelayedRelease queue queue.SWDelayedRelease
    create jndiname SWFieldCache queue queue.SWFieldCache
    create jndiname SWInbound queue queue.SWInbound
    create jndiname SWOutbound queue queue.SWOutbound
    create jndiname SWException queue queue.SWException
    create jndiname SWPoison queue queue.SWPoison
    create jndiname SWTimeout queue queue.SWTimeout
    create jndiname default queue queue.IPE

The EMS objects must be created BEFORE starting jetty.

Additional Information

TIBCO iProcess Web Services Server Plug-in Installation Guide client jar files queue fatory factories queues