Queue Storage Limits Exceeded Error: Insufficient Resources to Perform Operation

Queue Storage Limits Exceeded Error: Insufficient Resources to Perform Operation


Article ID: KB0078946


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TIBCO Scribe Insight -


Microsoft Message Queues (MSMQ) is the resource used for TIBCO Scribe® Insight Message Queues.  MSMQ  has certain space limitations. If they have reached their maximum, it can cause Integrations to stop. You may also see this error if an individual xml message is too large, but this is rare



Fixing issues with TIBCO Scribe® Insight Message Queues when the number of messages exceeds the configured storage limit of the queue.


Purging unneeded messages from some Message Queues may resolve the issue.


Purging Message Queues

  1. On the TIBCO Scribe® Insight Server open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management
  2. Expand the Services and Applications > Message Queuing nodes. 
  3. Select Private Queues and check the number of messages in the ~PubSucceeded (application publisher) queue. See the blue boxes in the image.  If you find a few hundred thousand messages then this is probably one of the causes. 
  4. In the navigation pane under ~PubSucceeded, right-click Queue messages and select All Tasks > Purge and purge the messages in the queue.
  5. In the navigation pane under System Queues, select Dead-letter messages. See the green box in the image.  This does not display a message count, but if there are a few hundred thousand then this may also be the issue.  
  6. Right-click Dead-letter messages and select All Tasks > Purge

NOTE:  It's important that you purge the ~PubSucceeded queues first before the Dead-Letter Messages, as the Dead-Letter Messages is the "recycle bin" of MSMQ and the purged messages from other queues end up in the Dead-Letter Messages.

See if purging these queues starts the Integrations running again.  If you found a large number of messages in the queues and the Integrations do not start again, try restarting the Scribe Services. See Restarting TIBCO Scribe® Insight Services.

Disabling Message Logging

Saving messages to the pubsucceeded queue is only for diagnostics.  If these messages are not currently part of a diagnostic process then this feature should be turned off in the Scribe Publishers.

  1. In the Console, open the Publisher.
  2. In the Publisher, open Step 4 and click the MSMQ button. 
  3. Uncheck the option for Log messages that were forwarded to ScribeIn, ignored or filtered
  4. Click OK on the Message Queue Settings window.
  5. Click Apply for the Publisher. 
  6. Repeat this for all pubsucceeded queues.    


Increasing The Message Queue Storage Size

If Purging the pubsucceeded and Dead-Letter Messages queues does not resolve the issue, consider the number of and total size of the messages saved in the ScribeIn queue. 

The default storage limit on the Message Queues is 1 GB and can be increased to 4 GB (make sure the computer has the resources to increase the storage limit).  Most Insight installations run successfully with the default 1 GB, however you may need to increase the storage limit.  To increase the storage limit:
  1. On the Scribe server, navigate to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Services and Applications.
  2. Expand Services and Applications, right -click the Message Queuing folder and select Properties
  3. In the Properties window under the Storage Limits section, the Limit message storage to (KB) field default setting is 1 GB or 1048576.  Increase this to 2,097,152 for 2 GB.  
  4. Click Apply
If this change does not improve performance or reduce the number of “Insufficient Resources to perform operation” errors, contact Support for assistance in troubleshooting and identifying the root cause. Further storage limit increases should be avoided.

If this does not resolve the issue, refer to the following article: Query Timeout Error: The job was terminated because the Message Processor is unresponsive