Integrated login fails in SDMS Client tool

Integrated login fails in SDMS Client tool


Article ID: KB0079311


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.3 and above


This article talks about resolving the issue of failed integrated login from the SDMS client tool due to incorrect Internet Options settings. In such scenario, the user could get a IE dialog to enter credentials after clicking "Yes" to use integrated authentication. This occurs if the "Internet Options" are not configured to automatically send credentials, which could also result in a similar issue when using Enterprise Manager integrated login without fall back authentication enabled.


This article talks about one possible resolution for the integrated login failing issue of SDMS client tool.


1.To get the SDMS url: from the machine where the issue occurs (either the SDMS server itself or a client machine), double click the SDMS client tool and select "No" at the dialog of "Would you like to use  integrated Windows login?"
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2. Click "Options>>" on the Log In to SDMS dialog.
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3. Click Manage|Modify to get the server information window and copy the SDMS server url, e.g.,   http://server/SDMS/SDMSSOAPServer.dll?Handler=Default
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4. Paste the SDMS server url into IE address bar and modify the last word from "Default" to "WSDL", e.g.,  http://server/SDMS/SDMSSOAPServer.dll?Handler=WSDL

5. Right click anywhere in the IE web page to choose properties. The resulting dialog should show what Zone the site is in.

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6. If the site is not in Local Intranet Zone, go to IE Setting|Internet Options|Security tab.

7. Click  Local intranet|Sites.
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8. Click "Advanced" to add the SDMS base url, e.g., https://server.
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9. Reload the WSDL page and view its properties again to ensure it is in the Local Intranet Zone.

10. Reset IIS and verify if integrated login works now. If it still fails, continue the following steps.

11. Go to IE setting|Internet Options|Security tab|Local Intranet,  click "Custom Level" and scroll to the bottom.
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12. Under the User Authentication section which controls whether or not credentials are automatically sent to IIS, or if the user is prompted with the IE login dialog, set it to be either "Automatic logon only in Intranet Zone", or "Automatic Logon with current user name and password".
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13. Reset IIS and verify if integrated login works now. If the issue persists, the above steps for changing the Zone to Local Intranet and modifying the settings for Zone need to be repeated for Trusted Sites Zone. That includes:
a. Add SDMS base url to the Trusted Sites Zone;
b. Check the Internet Options security settings for Trusted Sites for User Authentication;
c. Ensure "Automatic Logon with current user name and password" is selected;
d. Reset IIS and verify.