Integration - Connect: Slow performance with a Data replication app when Using Windows Authorization with a connection to Microsoft SQL Server

Integration - Connect: Slow performance with a Data replication app when Using Windows Authorization with a connection to Microsoft SQL Server


Article ID: KB0073100


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Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect ( Scribe ) -


When running a Data replication app and using Windows Authentication for the target SQL Server connection, performance degradation may be observed.


Using Windows Authorization in the Target SQL connection may case performance issues when running a Data replication app.


To increase performance, two steps must be taken.

  1. Be working with a version of the TIBCO Scribe Online Connector for Microsoft SQL Server that includes the fix for defect SCMSSQL-34. This fix is available in Hotfix 6 or a newer GA version of the connector. This fix affects how batch mode is used when using Windows Authentication for the connector.
  2. The Scribe Online service for the agent that the Data replication app is assigned to must have its "Log on as" set to the same user being used for Windows Authentication in the connection to SQL Server. This is because the agent service will also need the specific permissions granted to the Windows user in order to properly access the SQL Server database. 

To update the "Log on as" user for the Agent's service:
  • Navigate to the computer where the Agent is installed and open the Windows "Services" application.
  • Find the Agent's service name. If you are unsure what the Agent's service name is, this can be found in the "Agents" section within your organization under the "Service" column. 
  • Right-click on the Agent's service name and select "Properties".
  • Click the "Log On" tab. 
  • Select "This account" radio button and enter the credentials for the user. 
  • Click "Apply" and then "OK".
  • Restart the Agent's service.