Internal DB error - “java.sql.SQLException: while creating new connection to jdbc:hsqldb:<DB URL>, User not found: ADMIN'” in Silver Fabric Broker
Article ID: KB0075902
Updated On:
TIBCO Silver Fabric
All versions
Internal DB script corrupted and while launching the SF broker, the following SQL exception was thrown -“User not found: ADMIN”, which prevented the broker from starting up.
Internal DB script got corrupted and while launching the SF broker, the following SQL exception was thrown -“User not found: ADMIN”, which prevented the broker from starting up.
1). Go to directory path 'SF_HOME/webapps/livecluster/WEB-INF/db/internal'.
2). Create a backup of "Internal.script" and then open the "Internal.script" file.
3). Add the statement -'CREATE USER ADMIN PASSWORD "ADMIN" ADMIN'- in that "Internal.script" file and save.
4). Start the SF broker. This time you won’t get 'java.sql.SQLException: while creating new connection to jdbc:hsqldb:<DB URL>, User not found: ADMIN' error and broker will come up successfully.
5). It is recommended to keep the internal DB backup option enabled so as to restore the Internal.script and from the backup folder (SF_HOME/webapps/livecluster/WEB-INF/db/internal/backup) if the original files get corrupted.
6). To enable a backup, go to Config > Broker > Database in Silver Fabric GUI, under the "Admin Database Configuration" heading set the Backup option to "True". Click on "Save" to complete this step.