Internet Explorer prompts to download "getStatus.json" when running health check for Spotfire server
Article ID: KB0080679
Updated On:
Spotfire Server
7.5 and later
Steps to replicate the issue.
> Run Spotfire Server heath check using > http://<spotfireservername>/spotfire/rest/status/getStatus > Internet Explorer prompts to download "getStatus.json"
This is a default behavior of Internet Explorer.
Firefox and Chrome do not show this behavior as they have a built-in JSON reader. When a website presents Internet Explorer a header with the content "application/json", it prompts to download it.
Work around for the issue "Internet-Explorer-prompts-to-download-getStatus-json-when-running-health-check-for-Spotfire-server".
All supported Windows OS versions
Force Internet Explorer to show the JSON object using the following workaround. You can configure Internet Explorer to display "application/json" in the browser window by updating the Windows Registry.
Steps: > Stop existing Internet Explorer sessions. > Then cut and paste the below into a file (e.g: notepad.exe) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Tell IE to open JSON documents in the browser. 25336920-03F9-11cf-8FD0-00AA00686F13 is the CLSID for the "Browse in place" .
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\text/json] "CLSID"="{25336920-03F9-11cf-8FD0-00AA00686F13}" "Encoding"=hex:08,00,00,00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Name the file "json-ie.reg" and save it > Now right click on the file "json-ie.reg" and click "Merge" > Accept the warning by clicking "yes"
Refer to the attached document (Filename: getstatus.jason.pdf) for more information. You may need to make the above registry settings on all the machines where the issue is seen.
Disclaimer: The changes mentioned in this Knowledge Base is specific to the Windows Operating system and Internet explorer. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious, system-wide problems that may require you to re-install Windows to correct them. Always take a registry backup before editing. It is recommended to loop in a Windows/Operating system expert OR use this at your own risk.