"Invalid format of WSID" error while logging into Statistica server from Statistica desktop

"Invalid format of WSID" error while logging into Statistica server from Statistica desktop


Article ID: KB0074307


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.0,12.7,12,12.6,12.5 SP1,12 SP3,12 SP2,12.0A,12 SP1,11.0A,13.1,13.2,13.3


User sees a "System level error :"Invalid format of WSID (Registry GUID Record)" while logging into Statistica server from Statistica desktop although they are able to login to WebStatistica with the browser.


Probable Cause: Manual incorrect change to the registry 


"Invalid format of WSID" error while logging into Statistica server from Statistica desktop




This  error indicates that a Registry entry [HKLM or HKCU]\SOFTWARE\Classes\STATISTICA.Application\wsid exists on the client yet is not actually a GUID (wrong format).

A valid WSID will look like this :
         User-added image


Check the value in the registry and delete the invalid 'WSID' Key. 


TIBCO Inc does not provide support for problems that arise from improper modification of the registry. The Windows registry contains information critical to your computer and applications. Make sure you back up the registry before modifying it. For more information on the Windows Registry Editor and how to back up and restore it, refer to Microsoft Article ID 256986 “Description of the Microsoft Windows registry” at Microsoft Support.

Additional Information

Legacy Article ID: 185157