Is Mashery Local cluster, in 5.x, affected with cm pod/container down time?

Is Mashery Local cluster, in 5.x, affected with cm pod/container down time?


Article ID: KB0074013


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud API Management - Local Edition 5.x and above


In a Tethered setup there is no Configuration Manager UI
- The cluster syncs to the MOM server(via onprem loader on sql pod/container) and the Control Center(on Cloud) is where endpoints, apps etc.are configured.
- The CM component provides the clustermanager tool or command-line options for cluster management: component/health check, bindings/certifictes/identities etc.
So if tml-cm goes down, only the above functionality is affected.

In an Untethered setup
- The CM component also provides the Configuration ManagerUI
and this will also be affected if tml-cm goes down.


Is Mashery Local cluster, in 5.x, affected with cm pod/container down time?


All Supported Platforms


In Mashery Local cluster, if tml-cm goes down:
> the traffic should not be affected
> even throttle/quota limits are enforced as configured
> only the cluster manager component will not be available