Is it possible to install the Office Integration service and Excel on a separate server to the Nimbus server?

Is it possible to install the Office Integration service and Excel on a separate server to the Nimbus server?


Article ID: KB0084232


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Products Versions
TIBCO Nimbus -


This is possible by making a change to the config file found in the web server config file. 


I would like to have the Office Integration Service and Excel installed on a different server is this possible?


Tibco Nimbus


This is possible but you will need to change the 'Host' under the [Excel] section within the Web Server config.ini file (located in: ...\Nimbusxxx\Web Server\Config folder) to point to the server where Excel and the Office Integration service are installed. If you need further assistance, please contact Nimbus Helpdesk.

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Tibco Nimbus