Is there a way to provide an independent x-axis (Category Axis) scale / range for each Trellis column or panel in a Trellised visualization?

Is there a way to provide an independent x-axis (Category Axis) scale / range for each Trellis column or panel in a Trellised visualization?


Article ID: KB0074501


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Spotfire Analyst All


Is there a way to provide an independent x-axis (Category Axis) scale / range for each Trellis column or panel in a Trellised visualization?

No, there is currently no way to uncouple the x-axis scales (category axis scales) for the individual panels (or columns) in a Trellised visualization.

This article suggests a potential workaround for a specific use case.   It might be suitable for your particular use case, or it might not.

NOTE:  The following suggestion has been posted on TIBCO's Ideas Portal:


(Multiple x-axis scales in trellis)

You can login to the Ideas Portal, then vote for this idea.  Product Management pays close attention to the Ideas Portal.


There is currently no mechanism available for uncoupling the x-axis scales (category axis scales) in a Trellised visualization's individual panels (or columns) from each other. This article suggests a workaround for a specific use case. It might be suitable for your particular use case, or it might not.


All supported environments


The potential workaround for a particular use case is as follows:

The arrays of four separate scatter plots on the third and fifth tabbed pages in the attached example DXP file (filename: "ScatterPlotArrays - uncoupled x-axes.dxp") demonstrate one way to provide a display that is visually similar to a Trellised scatter plot, but with independent x-axis scales.

The x-axis and y-axis for each scatter plot in the array uses an If() condition to define the data subset to plot.

The y-axis ranges for all four graphs in each array are manually set to be the same static values, and the x-axis ranges are left to be defined by the filtered input data.  The main Title is entered manually for each graph, to show the category it plots.

In each of the example scatter-plot arrays, display of y-axis labels has been suppressed for three of the graphs, to leave more space for plotting the data.

Annotated images in the attached document file (filename "ScatterPlotArray - uncoupled x-axes.docx") provide additional information.

Additional Information

Note: The attached examples can be opened in versions 7.11.x and higher.

Existing suggestion in TIBCO's Ideas Portal:     
(Multiple x-axis scales in trellis)




Is there a way to provide an independent x-axis (Category Axis) scale / range for each Trellis column or panel in a Trellised visualization? get_app
Is there a way to provide an independent x-axis (Category Axis) scale / range for each Trellis column or panel in a Trellised visualization? get_app
Is there a way to provide an independent x-axis (Category Axis) scale / range for each Trellis column or panel in a Trellised visualization? get_app