2018-01-10 14:44:09,152 [ERROR] SWProcessControl - No Class definition found while instantiating java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/JMSException at com.staffware.core.iapjms.library.iapjmsserver.IAPJMSMain.initIAPJMSThreads(IAPJMSMain.java:250) at com.staffware.core.iapjms.library.iapjmsserver.IAPJMSMain.init(IAPJMSMain.java:361) at com.staffware.core.swprocess.library.SWProcessControl.<init>(SWProcessControl.java:141) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.jms.JMSException at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:366) at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:355) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:354) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:425) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:358)
JMS Exception in iProcess:
2018-01-10 14:44:09,152 [ERROR] SWProcessControl - No Class definition found while instantiating
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/JMSException
TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 11.6.1
IAPJMS process enabled
The IAPJMS process does not have access to the EMS client jar files and is therefore unable to access the java class javax/jms/JMSException
The IAPJMS process must be configured with the location of the EMS client jar files.
The IAPJMS JMS configuration is configured in the file SWDIR/etc/iapjms_classpath.properties
Uncomment and configure the “EMS 5.0” section for EMS 5.x, 6.x & 7.x e.g. ###################################################################### # EMS 8.0 ###################################################################### # classpath.basedir.ems=/opt/staffw_nod1/emsjar classpath.ems.1=jms-2.0.jar,tibjms.jar,tibjmsadmin.jar,tibcrypt.jar Uncomment and configure the “EMS 8.0” section for EMS 8.x e.g. ###################################################################### # EMS 8.0 ###################################################################### # classpath.basedir.ems=C:/TIBCO/ems/clients/java classpath.ems.1=jms-2.0.jar,tibjms.jar,tibjmsadmin.jar,tibcrypt.jar
The property “classpath.basedir.ems” specifies the location of the EMS client jar file so the iProcess server.
The iProcess Unix user must have read permission to access the directories and jar files in the path.
Check that the configuration lines are not commented out. A # character at the start makes the line a comment and the setting will have no effect.
The EMS client jar files can be sourced from the EMS server installation under the EMS lib directory / folder.
iProcess must be restarted to pick up the update IAPJMS configuration.