Products | Versions |
Spotfire Server | All | Failure when executing privileged Kerberos authentication action
org.ietf.jgss.GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Clock skew too great (37))
This is an external Kerberos issue. For security reasons (to avoid replay attacks) Kerberos requires the time on the KDC and the systems involved to be “loosely” synchronized. This means that the systems are allowed to be out of sync with the KDC within 5 minutes, which is the default. Clock skew too great means that the difference for the time (date+time) between the server and client is more than 5 minutes.
To resolve the issue, ensure that the time is synchronized between all the machines involved - the KDC (Usually Active Directory server), TIBCO Spotfire server, Node manager, and the clients accessing the Spotfire server. For more details, please refer to this Microsoft article: