LSP34 may fail when installed on TIBCO LogLogic LMI using Management Center

LSP34 may fail when installed on TIBCO LogLogic LMI using Management Center


Article ID: KB0079954


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO LogLogic Enterprise Virtual Appliance 6.1.1 and higher
TIBCO LogLogic Management Center 2.1.1


After LSP34 is installed the LMI engines are started but a known issue exists that causes some engines to not start.

This is one of the errors displayed for the upgraded asset in the MC UI:
The following engines are not running: engine_tcpforwarder
engine_uldpcollector engine_tcpcollector engine_http_collector
engine_rcollector engine_filecollector engine_trapcollector
engine_collector engine_llwebapp engine_llzookeeper
engine_llaggregation engine_llcorrelation engine_llquerynode

As a result of the engines not starting the MC agent will not detect a healthy system so the LSP34 installation will be reported as failing by MC but the local LSP installation log on LMI will indicate a successful installation. In addition, as a result of MC waiting indefinitely on the engines to start the 3 hour task timeout will be triggered in MC. Only when the task timeout has been reached will MC report the task has failed.


There is a known issue when installing LSP34 using Management Center where MC will report the LSP installation failed even though it succeeded. This article describes the workaround.


Only applies when installing LSP34 using Management Center.


This is documented as a known issue LLSP-4976 in the LSP34 Release Notes. The workaround at this time is to manually start all the engines listed in the error message. This issue will be fixed in a future software version.

Since there isn't a method to start multiple engines without starting all engines you may prefer to execute mtask stop then mtask start instead of the mtask -s command for each affected engine.