Linux Kernel update crashes RPC_TCP_LI while initializing iProcess Engine

Linux Kernel update crashes RPC_TCP_LI while initializing iProcess Engine


Article ID: KB0081083


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Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) All versions


Kernel update 2.6.32-696.3.2.el6.x86_64 from Linux / Unix Operating Systems (OS) to address security issue crashes Java while TIBCO iProcess Engine (iPE) is started. As a result RCP_TCP_LI could not be started which affects starting iPE itself.


Linux kernel version 2.6.32-696.3.2.el6.x86_64 causes RCP_TCP_LI to crash


TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) and TIBCO iProcess Engine (DB2) running on Linux / Unix operating systems.


This is an incompatibility between the kernel update and Java rather than a bug in the iProcess Engine.

Based on the OS customers use, they should check for and apply a fixed kernel when it becomes available so the issue is resolved.

Until then, a temporary workaround is to add the jvm parameter "-Xss2m" in $SWDIR/etc/ file. This prevents jvm initialization error and allows iPE to start normally. 

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