Map Locked By Deleted User

Map Locked By Deleted User


Article ID: KB0078323


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect ( Scribe ) -


Locked Maps are Maps that are open on another user's computer, manually locked from the Maps list in a Solution, open in another browser, or the browser was closed while the Map was still open.  They are marked by a Lock icon in the Status column on the Solution's Maps list.  Select the lock to display the Locked By dialog.  This contains the user name of the user locking the Map, and the date and time when it was locked.



If a Map is locked and the Locked By user has been deleted from the Organization, you cannot unlock the Map.  


A Map is locked and the Locked By user has been deleted from the Organization, stopping you from unlocking the Map.


To resolve this issue:

Option 1

  1. Make sure you are logged in to TIBCO Scribe® Online as an Administrator.
  2. Select More > User Management.
  3. Select the Add button and invite that User back into the Organization.
  4. When the User has accepted the invitation, go to the Solutions page.
  5. Select the Solution to open it.
  6. Scroll to the Maps section and select the Map.
  7. From the Gear menu for that Map select Unlock.

Option 2

If you cannot invite the User back into the Organization, do the following:
  1. Duplicate the locked Map.
  2. Work on the copy of the Map.
  3. When the copy is complete, delete the locked Map.
For additional information, see the following in the TIBCO Scribe® Online Help: Locking And Unlocking Maps