Meaning of TIBCO BusinessEvents Log record "[jdbcstore] Removing objecttable references [<number>]"

Meaning of TIBCO BusinessEvents Log record "[jdbcstore] Removing objecttable references [<number>]"


Article ID: KB0079795


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 5.5.0


Log records:
<timestamp> <agent> Info [pool-3-thread-1] - [jdbcstore] Removing <entityURL> entities [<number>]
<timestamp> <agent> Info [pool-3-thread-1] - [jdbcstore] Removing objecttable references [<number>]
<timestamp> <agent> Info [pool-3-thread-1] - [runtime.service] <number> entries expired/evicted from [<spacename>] recently


Meaning of specific Log records (SharedAll and Concept TTL configured)


All Operating Systems


For a Concept you can define a Concept TTL (Time-to-live in seconds) in the override section of the CDD file. When the Concept TTL is reached the concept is deleted from space. After the time-to-live expires, the concept is removed from the object table after a specified delay interval. This delay helps reduce load on object table.
You can configure this interval with CDD property "objectTable.eviction.delay.interval" (default value: 60 secs).
The actual eviction time of the concept from object table can be calculated as following :
  Concept TTL + objectTable.eviction.delay.interval
The first two log records are reported only when backingstore is enabled and persistence type set to "SharedAll".

Additional Information

 TTL, logs