Metrics are not getting truncated as per the configuration
Article ID: KB0082317
Updated On:
TIBCO Data Virtualization
Configuration: How long do you want to keep metrics data? 30 Days How often do you want to run the truncate process on expired date? 1 Hour
HOWEVER, upon doing a max and min on starttime and logintime on the metrics tables, the stanrttime seem to extend beyond 30 days.
Analysis: Reviewed the Delete statement issue by the application.
DELETE FROM "VDL_METRICS"."metrics_resources_usage" WHERE "nodehost" = '' AND "nodeport" = 9400 AND "cluster" = 'PRD_Cluster' AND "starttime" < TO_TIMESTAMP ('2018-02-13 19:10:15.904', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF')
Some entries for Cluster was set to ‘NULL’ in customer environment. All those entries were ignored because of the above DELETE statement. Hence the Min(Starttime) extended beyond the 30 day mark.