This article is written for Partners who build Connectors and Solutions in the TIBCO Scribe® Online Sandbox and then move them to TIBCO Scribe® Online Production. For more details on the Partners program and Sandbox access go here:
Export Maps From Sandbox
- Log into the TIBCO Scribe® Online Sandbox.
- Select Solutions from the menu bar.
- On the Solutions page, select a Solution name to open it.
- In the Maps section, select one or more Maps to export by marking the check box or select the Select All link at the top column to include all Maps.
- From the Maps section Menu , select Export Selected.
TIBCO Scribe® Online creates a single JSON file with the same name as the Solution. Any characters that are not alphanumeric are stripped out of the file name. Depending on the browser the file is stored in your default downloads location or you are asked to save it.
Set Up Connections In Production
- In TIBCO Scribe® Online Production, select the Organization where you want to import your Maps. If you want to import the Maps into a child Organization, create the child organization if it does not exist.
- Switch to the Organization where you want to import your Maps.
- Configure and test the Connections needed for the Maps. You might need to install Connectors. If any of the Connectors are owned by you and are private, switch back to your distribution Organization and give access to those Connectors to the child Organization where you want to import the Maps.
Import Maps Into Production
- In TIBCO Scribe® Online Production, log into the Organization where you want to import your Maps.
- Select Solutions from the menu bar.
- Add a new Solution to contain the imported Maps.
- From the Maps section Menu of the Solution, select Import.
- Use the Choose File button to browse to the location of the Map file you want to import.
- Select the file and select Open.
- TIBCO Scribe® Online imports the selected file and adds all of the Maps in the file to this Solution, as follows:
- If the Solution already contains Maps, the new Maps are appended to the existing Map list.
- Every imported Map is renamed with the prefix Imported - . For example if the original name of the Map is Update Contacts, the new name after import is Imported - Update Contacts.
- If the Solution contains Maps with the same names as those in the import file, the existing Maps are overwritten with the imported Maps. However, since Map names are modified on import, the only way a Map name would match is if the Map name in the Solution had a prefix of Imported, but the Map in the import file did not.
Solution Map Name
Import File Map Name
Map Name After Import
Import Action
Update Contacts
Update Contacts
Imported - Update Contacts
Appends Map to list
Imported - Update Contacts
Update Contacts
Imported - Update Contacts
Overwrites existing Map
Update Contacts
Imported - Update Contacts
Imported - Imported - Update Contacts
Appends Map to list
Imported - Update Contacts
Imported - Update Contacts
Imported - Imported - Update Contacts
Appends Map to list
Important: A locked Map can be overwritten by an Administrator or the Map owner during the import process.
Importing an exported Map revision always appends the Map to the list of Maps in the Solution. See Exporting A Map Revision.
- Select Close to return to the Maps list.
Note: Imported Maps are Incomplete. When you complete the Map it becomes Enabled immediately. If you do not want it to run, select Disable from the Gear menu for that Map.