Migration steps from Tibtunnel to Hybrid agent (tibagent)

Migration steps from Tibtunnel to Hybrid agent (tibagent)


Article ID: KB0070156


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud -


This article provides a streamlined migrating process from Tibtunnel to Hybrid Agent(tibagent) while minimizing downtime. 

Before starting the migration, ensure the following:
  • A backup of current Tibtunnel configurations (.tibtunnel folder) default location is under <USER_HOME>
  • A user with an Admin role for TIBCO Cloud Integration to download the tibagent binary.
  • Review  Hybrid agent documentation and system requirements.
  • Review the Whitelisting requirements to run Hybrid agent(tibagent).


Migration steps from Tibtunnel to Hybrid agent (tibagent)


Step-by-Step Migration Process

1. Preparation
Backup the tibtunnel configuration and keep the existing tibtunnels running during the setup of the Hybrid agent. This will minimize the downtime for TCI Hybrid Apps.

2. Download Hybrid agent (tibagent)
Download the latest Tibagent 
Login to TCI  ==> Click the Environment & Tools tab ==>Under Environment Settings, click Agents ==> Click New Agent and choose Hybrid
A download dialog opens. Choose your platform from the list to download the agent binary

3. Configure Hybrid Agent(Tibagent)
To configure the tibagent use the same access Key and secret used when configuring tibtunnel. 

Log in and configure an agent

>>tibagent login
>>tibagent configure agent -p <port> --config-dir <customer config dir> <agent name>
ex: ./tibagent configure agent -p 5150 --config-dir /opt/config agent77

Create agent configuration files for Hybrid Connectivity
>> tibagent configure connect --accessSecret <AccessSecret> --accessKey <AccessKey> --config-dir <customer config dir> <agent name>
ex: ./tibagent configure connect --accessSecret c4sW+S0etc --accessKey my-key --config-dir /opt/config agent77

4. Start Hybrid agent
Start the Hybrid agent using the same specs as in Tibtunnel service while keeping Tibtunnel running.
>>tibagent start agent --config-dir <customer config dir> --spec <spec1> --spec <spec2> <agent name>
ex: ./tibagent start agent --config-dir /opt/config --spec 14268:localhost:14268 --spec 9090:localhost:9090 agent77

Check Hybridagent logs and monitor its performance to ensure it starts correctly without issues. Also, the Hybrid agent status can be monitored from the TCI UI 
Login to TCI  ==> Click the Environment & Tools tab ==>Under Environment Settings, click Agents ==>Click Hybrid under the filter by.

5. Switch Over to Hybrid Agent
Once confirmed that Hybrid agent is running, stop the Tibtunnel service. The tunnel connections should now switch over to Hybrid agent.

6. Post-Migration Verification
Verify that the tunnel connectivity has switched over to the Hybrid agent by triggering a TCI Hybrid application that is linked with the same access Key.

Following this guide will help ensure a smooth and minimally disruptive migration from Tibtunnel to Hybrid agent. By keeping Tibtunnel running during the initial setup of Hybrid agent, you can minimize downtime and ensure a seamless transition. 

For additional assistance, refer to the Hybrid agent documentation or contact the support team.

Additional Information

Hybrid Agent documentation - https://integration.cloud.tibco.com/docs/#tci/using/hybrid-agent/index.html?TocPath=Using%2520TIBCO%2520Cloud%25E2%2584%25A2%2520Integration%257CUsing%2520the%2520TIBCO%2520Cloud%25E2%2584%25A2%2520Integration%2520-%2520Hybrid%2520Agent%257C_____0