Missing jcifs.jar warning or error in the catalina logs for non NTLM authentication environment

Missing jcifs.jar warning or error in the catalina logs for non NTLM authentication environment


Article ID: KB0074822


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Products Versions
Spotfire Server All Versions


The jcifs.jar file is only required when the Spotfire Server is setup to use NTLM authentication.

You may see the below warning on startup in the <Spotfire Server Install>\tomcat\logs\catalina.log file

WARNING [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanner.scan Failed to scan [file:/C:/tibco/tss/7.11.0/tomcat/lib/jcifs.jar] from classloader hierarchy  java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\tibco\tss\7.11.0\tomcat\lib\jcifs.jar (The system cannot find the file specified)

The above error is caused when using datasource drivers which may require the jcifs file.
e.g if you have a jtds.jar file you may receive the above error as  the manifest.mf file inside the jtds jar, looks for the  jcifs.jar on its classpath.


Missing jcifs.jar warning or error in the catalina logs for non NTLM authentication environment


1) Download the jcifs.jar from  http://public.tibco.com/pub/tibco_oss/jcifs/ 
2) Copy the jcifs.jar to the <Spotfire Server Install>\tomcat\lib folder
3) Restart the Spotfire Server Service


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