Monitoring EMS with TIBCO Hawk Redtail Container Edition
Article ID: KB0071544
Updated On:
TIBCO Operational Intelligence Hawk RedTail
7.1.0 7.2.0 7.2.1
This article will give you an example that how to configure EMS plugin with Hawk Redtail Container Edition for EMS server instance monitoring. EMS server instances could be running any where, as long as it's reachable from the Redtail environment.
Monitoring EMS with TIBCO Hawk Redtail Container Edition
Cloud, container edition, kubernetes
1. Copy Copy ems plugin directory from <OIHR_HOME>/plugin/ems to <OIHR_HOME>/redtail/hkceagent/plugin/ 2. Copy below jars from EMS_HOME to <OIHR_HOME>/redtail/hkceagent/plugin/ems/ - <EMS_HOME>/lib/jms-2.0.jar - <EMS_HOME>/lib/tibjmsadmin.jar - <EMS_HOME>/lib/tibjms.jar 3. In file <OIHR_HOME>/redtail/docker/build-images/dockerfiles/hkceagent.dockerfile , add below line above line 25 (above the 'ENTRYPOINT' statement) RUN mkdir -p /redtail/hkceagent/logs 4. Rebuild the redtail-agent image, and push it to your repository. 5. Copy redtail_hkce_ems_plugin_config_map.yml and Update EMS Server information in redtail_hkce_ems_plugin_config_map.yml file. [Optional] Note: We can use utility to encrypted password. <arg>-encryptedPassword</arg> Utility Locations: <OIHR_HOME>/redtail/hkceagent/utils 6. Deploy this config map: kubectl apply -f redtail_hkce_ems_plugin_config_map.yml 7. Attach this configmap to redtail-agent pod by adding volumes and volumeMount section in redtail_hkceagent.yaml file. Refer to here attached redtail_hkceagent.yaml file #This section is to attach configmap as volume volumes: - name: ems-plugin-configmap configMap: defaultMode: 420 name: ems-plugin-configmap #This section is used to mount configmap at existing hma_plugin_dir volumeMounts: - name: ems-plugin-configmap mountPath: /redtail/hkceagent/plugin/hawkemsadmin.hma subPath: hawkemsadmin.hma 8. Delete RedTail Agent if already deployed: kubectl delete -f redtail_hkceagent.yaml Deploy RedTail Agent: kubectl apply -f redtail_hkceagent.yaml 9. Login to RedTail UI and check the microagent page for redtail-agent-0 Verify that EMS Microagent must be present in the list.
#Steps to update EMS Server Details 1. Update EMS Server details in redtail_hkce_ems_plugin_config_map.yml 2. Redeploy redtail_hkce_ems_plugin_config_map.yml 3. Redeploy redtail_hkceagent.yaml
#This instruction is also applicable to the other products. The basic idea is: - Copy required jars to <OIHR_HOME>/redtail/hkceagent/plugin/xxx - Rebuild the redtail-agent image - Create and configure the plugin hma via a config map - Mount the configmap to the redtail-agent container - Redeploy redtail-agent using the new image
Please contact TIBCO support if you still have any further questions.
Monitoring EMS with TIBCO Hawk Redtail Container Edition
Monitoring EMS with TIBCO Hawk Redtail Container Edition