This video gives you tips and shows a demonstration of moving a TIBCO Scribe® Insight server in two scenarios, 1.) moving Insight to new hardware and 2.) promoting a test Insight server to production.
The video was recorded using Insight 6.5 though it is still relevant for later Insight versions. You may notice some differences in the user interface in the video to what you see in your later version of Insight.
Video Contents:
00:00 Introduction
Overview of steps
04:50 Moving Insight Server to New Hardware
The shutdown procedure
Exporting integrations
Unregister the server
Attaching the new server to an existing SCRIBEINTERNAL database
Using Scribe Internal Database Utility to upgrade the database
Register the new server
16:11 Promoting a Test Server to a Production Server
Copying DTS files to the production server
Verifying your integrations are working
Tips and demonstrations for moving a
TIBCO Scribe® Insight server to new hardware and promoting a test server to a production server.