On January 18th, 2019 NetSuite will deprecate the WSDL used by the TIBCO Scribe Online Connector for NetSuite. The new NetSuite WSDL that will be used by the Connector for NetSuite requires an Application ID for User Credential Authentication. In addition it supports Token-Based Authentication.
To address these upcoming NetSuite changes and prevent any disruption for our customers, TIBCO Scribe plans to release two updates to the NetSuite Connector, one on December 11th, 2018 and the second on January 14th, 2019.
On December 11th, 2018 TIBCO Scribe will release an update to the Connector for NetSuite with an additional field on the NetSuite Connection dialog for the new ApplicationId. This is a new field for User Credential authentication that will be required in the future. No other Connector functionality changes are planned for this release. After the upgrade, all NetSuite Connector users are encouraged to update all NetSuite connections to include the new ApplicationId before it is required. This will ensure the smooth transition of your connections when the January 14th, 2019 update of the Connector for NetSuite is released. Any connections that have not been updated to include an ApplicationId prior to the January 14th, 2019 release will fail to connect.
NOTE: If you do not see the new Application ID field on the Connection dialog, log out of TIBCO Scribe Online and clear your browser cache.
On January 14th, 2019 TIBCO Scribe will release a second update to the Connector for NetSuite. This version will include an upgrade to the NetSuite WSDL and support for Token-Based Authentication. After this upgrade, the ApplicationId field will be required for User Credential authentication. Any connections that do not have an ApplicationId configured will fail to connect. With this release of the Connector for NetSuite, you also have the option of switching to Token-Based Authentication.
Finding Your ApplicationId
In your Netsuite account go to
Setup -> Integrations -> Manage Integrations. If you have an Integration record with an ApplicationId, copy and paste that Id into the TIBCO Scribe Online NetSuite connection dialog.
If you do not have an Integration record or your Integration record does not have an ApplicationId, add a new Integration record. When configuring the new Integration record choose User Credentials as the Authentication Type. Once that record is saved an ApplicationId is generated that can be used in the TIBCO Scribe Online NetSuite connection.
For more information on NetSuite Integration Records and ApplicationIds refer to the NetSuite Help Center.