- In SQL Server under Databases, select the SCRIBEINTERNAL database.
- Run the SQL scripts below against the Scribe Internal Database to review and delete the connection entries for your Dynamics CRM connection from the SCRIBE.ADAPTERMETADATA table:
This shows you the the contents of the table before deleting any records. Next run the following script:
Where NAME IN ('Adapter for Dynamics 365 and CRM','DynamicsCrm 2011 Adapter','Adapter for Dynamics CRM') and IDENTIFIER<>'DEFAULT';
Note: The Connection name in the example above must be modified to match the name of your Dynamics CRM connection as it is shown in the SCRIBE.ADAPTERMETADATA table.
- Open the TIBCO Scribe® Insight Workbench.
- Open the DTS.
- Re-connect again to Dynamics CRM using the same credentials.
- Run the DTS again.