New data does not load when cache refresh is done in Tibco Data Virtualization (TDV), but it returns as success

New data does not load when cache refresh is done in Tibco Data Virtualization (TDV), but it returns as success


Article ID: KB0081825


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization 7.0.6


There is no error that occurs, the cache refresh returns as successful, but the new data never gets uploaded. However, an exception is thrown in the cs_server_task.log.
ERROR 2017-01-19 21:20:37.003 -0600 TriggerManager - User "cacheownertest" has insufficient rights to perform this operation. Required rights: "ACCESS_TOOLS". User has "NONE" rights.


There is no error that occurs during cache refresh. It returns as successful, but the new data never gets uploaded.


The associated owner must have the appropriate rights (at least ACCESS_TOOLS) in order to succeed. Issue generally happens when cached query is deployed from one environment into another, leading to the change of the cache owner.