New ibi™ FOCUS® License Management for z/OS Sites

New ibi™ FOCUS® License Management for z/OS Sites


Article ID: KB0071558


Updated On:

Products Versions
ibi FOCUS 708R through 9.1.1


New ibi™ FOCUS® License Management for z/OS Sites

ibi FOCUS has a new license management facility, which is a mechanism that registers your copy of FOCUS.

This facility checks that your site:
  1. Has registered the FOCUS software. 
  2. Does not exceed its current expiration date. 
  3. Is running on the registered hardware.  
If any of these is not true, or the registration has not been done, an appropriate warning or violation message is displayed each time a user enters FOCUS, and FOCUS will not start.

This new FOCUS License Management facility requires a new version of the IBICPUID load module that is a member of FOCLIB.LOAD.  The first time that you request a new key, this new module will be zapped with your information and shipped to you. You will only need to replace the existing IBICPUID module or add the IBICPUID module to FOCLIB.LOAD.
If you need a new CPUPLATE for any reason, you will be required to submit the information indicated below and a new IBICPUID module will be created and sent to you. 

New License Overview

The new license management facility is a processor, expiration date, and site code registration facility. 
  • Processor registration. The instructions for installing the CPUPLATE are contained in this KnowledgeBase Article.  ibi takes the required information and generates an encrypted registration ID called a CPUPLATE.
  • If your processor has not been registered, a warning message is displayed at FOCUS initialization and FOCUS will not start up.
  • If your copy of FOCUS is registered and then run on a processor other than the one on which FOCUS was registered, or has exceeded the registered expiration date, or if any error occurred during processor registration, a violation message is displayed and FOCUS will not start up.
  • You will need to contact ibi Customer Support and request a new CPUPLATE.
In order to generate a CPU registration ID, ibi needs the following information:
  1. Output from the “? CPUID command issued from the FOCUS command line of your current release of FOCUS.
  2. Output from the “D M=CPU” system command.
  3. Output from the “? REL” command.
  4. Expiration date of your current or renewed contract.   
  • Site code registration.  The instructions for installing the site code are documented in the OS/390 and MVS Installation Guide. We will be using your existing ibi site code, if possible.  If required, we will send JCL to zap your site code.  
How to Obtain the Required CPU information

1.  To obtain the CPU ID, issue the following command from the FOCUS command prompt:

     ? CPUID

     This command displays the following information.

         *** Processor mmmm Model nnnn-vv Max pp Site
              LICENSED CPU(S)
         *** NONE


        Is the Processor ID.
        Is the model number.
        Is the version number.
        Is the number of processors on the system.
        Is the site code. 

2.  You also need to capture the information from the operator console when issuing the following z/OS operator command:

      D M=CPU

      This command displays the following information.

      IEE174I 12.16.10 DISPLAY M 218
      ID   CPU          SERIAL
      1     +           1115379121
      2     +           2115379121
      3     +           3115379121
      4     +           4115379121

3. To run ? REL
  • Start FOCUS.
  • From the FOCUS command prompt, issue the following command:
    ? REL 
4. Issue the appropriate commands to obtain the required CPU information.

5. Open a Support Case with Customer Support.

6. Provide the CPU information for all CPUs to the Customer Support Consultant. They will provide you with the CPUPLATE  ID for each CPU.

Installation Instructions for Release 7.6.13 and Earlier

1. Download the zip file from the Support Case.  

2. Expand the files in the zip file to a temporary directory. 

    For Release 7.0.8R through Release 7.6.09, you will have the following files:

    For Release 7.6.10 through Release 7.6.13, you will have the following files:

3. On your mainframe, allocate files to receive the files from the zip, as follows:


   Note: For FOCUS Release 7.6.10 through Release 7.6.13 only:


4. Using FTP, transfer the following files to the temporary files you just created, as follows:

    put jcl.xmit 'userid.IBIKEYS.JCL' (REPLACE
    put foclib.xmit 'userid.IBIKEYS.LOAD.TEMP' (REPLACE
    Note: For FOCUS Release 7.6.10 through Release 7.6.13 only:


5. Using TSO, expand the LOAD.TEMP dataset, as follows:

    Reply to the restore prompt with

    Using TSO, expand the JCL.TEMP dataset, as follows:

    Reply to the restore prompt with

6. Make a backup of your FOCLIB.LOAD library.

7. Copy and replace the IBICPUID module from 'userid.IBIKEYS.LOAD' to your FOCLIB.LOAD library.

8..Edit 'userid.IBIKEYS.JCL' by adding a job card and updating the JCL SET to identify your FOCLIB.LOAD library. 
    Note: This will update the site code.

9.Submit the JCL. This will apply the new site code.

10.If you are running Release 7.6.10 through Release 7.6.13, replace your current FLICENSE member with the one from the zip file.

11. If you have FOCUS loaded in LPA and/or linklist, you will need to refresh them with this newly zapped module. This is a systems task and should be referred to your systems group.

12. Verify your FOCUS license key installation by running FOCUS and issuing the ? CPUID command in both interactive and batch environments. If FOCUS starts then your installation has been successful. If FOCUS does not start, then the installation has not been successful. Please open a case with support to review the parameters that have been provided and the process that has been followed.

Installation Instructions for Release 7.7.03 and Higher 

1.  Download the zip file from the Support Case.

2.  Expand the files in the zip file to a temporary directory.

     For Release 7.7.03 and higher, you will have the following files:


3.  On your mainframe, allocate files to receive the files from the zip, as follows:




4.  Using FTP, transfer the following files to the temporary files you just created, as follows:

     put foclib.xmit 'userid.IBIKEYS.LOAD.TEMP' (REPLACE
     put jcl.xmit 'userid.IBIKEYS.JCL.TEMP' (REPLACE

5.  Using TSO, expand the LOAD.TEMP dataset, as follows:

     Reply to the restore prompt with

6.  Using TSO, expand the JCL.TEMP dataset, as follows:

     Reply to the restore prompt with

7.  Make a backup of your FOCLIB.LOAD library. 

8.  Copy or copy and replace the IBICPUID module from 'userid.IBIKEYS.LOAD' to your FOCLIB.LOAD library.

9.  Create the 'userid.FOCLIB.LOAD.NEW' output library for the relinked module (R1FNS for Release 7.7.03M and Release 7.7.06M, FOCUS for Release 7.7.09M and higher).
10.Edit the JCLPTF member of the 'userid.JCL.DATA' library following the instructions included in the JCL, which include:

    * Add a job card at the top of the JCL
    * Add values to the three SETs at the top of the JCL:

        PTFLIB = 'userid.JCL.DATA' 
        OFOCLIB = 'your_production.FOCLIB.LOAD'
        NFOCLIB = 'userid.FOCLIB.LOAD.NEW'  

11.Submit the JCLPTF member. 

12.Copy and replace the contents of 'userid.FOCLIB.LOAD.NEW' to your production FOCUS library.

13. Replace the existing FLICENSE file in your production version of FOCUS with the FLICENSE in userid.IBIKEYS.FLICENSE.DATA.

14.If you have FOCUS loaded in LPA and/or linklist, you will need to refresh them with this newly zapped module. This is a systems task and should be referred to your systems group. 

15.If you are running FOCUS Release 7.7.09M or higher, and are using FOCUSNA, you need to recreate the FOCUSNA module using the newly zapped FOCUS module you have just created. 
The JCL to create the FOCUSNA module is distributed as member FOCUSNA in the FOCCTL.DATA library:

a. Copy the FOCUSNA member to your FOCUS production JCL library.

b. Make a copy of your FOCLIB.LOAD library and name it FOCLIBNA.LOAD.

c. Make the recommended edits to the FOCUSNA JCL. Instructions for editing the JCL for your site are included as comments in the FOCUSNA member.
d. Execute the FOCUSNA JCL.

e. Check the FOCLIBNA.LOAD library for the presence of the new FOCUSNA module and EDASAFNA alias.

f. Replace your production FOCUSNA with the FOCUSNA module just recreated.

Note: The FOCUSNA module will have an authorization attribute of AC/0, which means that the module was not linked with authorization.

16. Verify your FOCUS license key installation by running FOCUS and issuing the ? CPUID command in both interactive and batch environments. If FOCUS starts, then your installation has been successful. If FOCUS does not start, then the installation has not been successful. Please open a case with Customer Support to review the parameters that have been provided and the process that has been followed.

Previous Licensing Violation Messages
If FOCUS is registered and it is run on another processor, you will receive a message at initialization.  This message also displays if there was an error in the License Management Facility installation procedure.  FOCUS will not start until it is correctly registered. 
New Licensing Violation Messages

If your site code is not registered, or the registered site code does not match the installation site code, you will receive a message at the beginning of all FOCUS user sessions.


New ibi™ FOCUS® License Management for z/OS Sites


This article applies to ibi™ FOCUS® running on z/OS.