If the number of free pages in a segment exceeds 40 million the ADMIN utility can incorrectly show the percentage of free pages as 0. This is because in the calculation we exceed the scope of a 32bit register and can end up with a negative, or small, number. The number of pages in the segment and the number of free pages in the segment are both displayed correctly. Only the %age is wrong.
In the Object Service Broker ADMIN utility, option B screen "SEGMENT STATISTICS", the percentage of free pages reported can be wrong if the number of free pages is of the order of 40,000,000 4K pages or higher.
Mainframe z/OS version of OSB
This is simply a problem with the ADMIN utility calculation. There is no underlying integrity issue. This problem can be ignored or you can repeat the calculation using the number of pages and number of free pages, which are correctly reported.