The requirement described above cannot be achieved using the OVER Statement Post-aggregation technique. Instead, you can use the following workarounds:
Option 1: Using duplicate external data table. 1. Add the same data table again as external,for example "STORE2". STORE is already added in as external table. See
Accessing Data from External Sources for more information.
2. Remove all column matches between the two tables except on GENDER column, or at least remove the column match on AGE GROUP column (which is used in color axis of bar chart).
3. In above bar chart, use Sum([RECEIPT_AVERAGE])/count([STORE2].[GENDER]) expression in Y-Axis which will yield the following result. See
Working with Multiple Data Tables in one Visualization and
Column Matching for more information.
Now, the bar chart shows the expected result. There would be one warning icon visualization due to column match not being done on the AGE GROUP Column. You can hide the the Visualization Title and instead show visualization title in the Description field as a workaround to avoid showing warning icon.
4. If you intend to use filters, create the data table relation between STORE and STORE2 on a primary or unique key. See
Data Table Properties - Relations for more information
5. Then create at least one filter from both tables so they will appear in the Filter Panel. Go to filter panel, besides STORE2 click on "Filtering in related data tables" icon, select "Include Filtered Rows only" from STORE. See
Filtering in related data tables for more information.
This way STORE2 data table would also respond to filters of STORE table and update the count([GENDER]) accordingly to show filtered results in bar chart.
Option 2: Using predefined column in Database 1. Create "Total Count" column in the source database which counts the rows for each Gender
2. Then use the newly created column in the bar chart expression like: Sum([RECEIPT_AVERAGE])/First([Total Count])
Note: This predefined column created in database would not respond to filter changes done in Spotfire.