Opening a dxp using Spotfire Analyst or Web Player shows a notification "Data could not be loaded in parallel because the analysis uses data sharing routines".

Opening a dxp using Spotfire Analyst or Web Player shows a notification "Data could not be loaded in parallel because the analysis uses data sharing routines".


Article ID: KB0071116


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Analyst 11.4 and higher


Consider a dxp is built in older versions of Spotifre and the data was cached using the "Sharing Routines" feature for sharing data between users. See  Details on Data Table Properties – Sharing Routines for more information on sharing routines.

(Note from the documentation: Tip: The Sharing Routines tab has been replaced by the Scheduled Updates tab in TIBCO Spotfire 5.5 and forward. However, should you require it for use with old analyses the tab can be shown again by selecting Tools > Options > Compatibility and then selecting the Show Sharing Routines tab for data tables check box.)

Upgrading to versions to Spotfire 11.4 and above and opening the dxp(which is making use of Sharing Routienes functionality) a notification will pop up saying:  "Data could not be loaded in parallel because the analysis uses data sharing routines"

User-added image

Prior to Spotfire version 11.4 all the data loading into Spotfire was done sequentially.

From Spotfire 11.4 and above the data loading method is by default set to "parallel" and the users have been given the ability to switch between methods Parallel and Sequential/Serial based on their needs.

Check the article: How to turn off parallel data loading in TIBCO Spotfire


This article talks about the scenario when opening a dxp in versions 11.4 and higher (where the data loading method is set to "Parallel" by default) shows the notification "Data could not be loaded in parallel because the analysis uses data sharing routines"




There are two ways to eliminate this notification:

Solution 1 (Recommended):
Disabling the Sharing Routienes and switch to using Scheduled Updates, which is the recommended method to cache data, in combination with using Parallel Data Loading. It is recommended to use scheduled updates rather than sharing routines to share data between users.
  • Go to Tools > Options > Compatibility (check the box for "Show Sharing Routienes for data tables")  
  • Go to data table properties > Sharing Routines to disable it. 
See  Options – Compatibility and  Details on Data Table Properties – Sharing Routines for more information.

Solution 2:
A temporary way to eliminate this notification is to switch back the data loading method to "Serial" if you continue using Sharing routines. Caution: This is not encouraged, Since Parallel Data loading will ensure a better performance than serial and secondly it is recommended to use Schedule Updates for caching data. For instructions on how to do this, see the KB article 000044998  How to turn off parallel data loading in TIBCO Spotfire

Additional Notes:
  • It is required to re-save the analysis file after disabling sharing routines or making any setting changes in the dxp.
  • It is required to re-launch the Spotfire Analyst client after making a change to any Administration Manager > Preferences

Additional Information

Doc: Options – Compatibility  Doc: Details on Data Table Properties – Sharing Routines KB: 000044998 How to turn off parallel data loading in TIBCO Spotfire