Post-installation steps for upgrading JRE used by AMX BPM 4.2 running on Silver Fabric to version 1.8

Post-installation steps for upgrading JRE used by AMX BPM 4.2 running on Silver Fabric to version 1.8


Article ID: KB0081568


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Silver Fabric Enabler for ActiveMatrix BPM 4.2


With classic BPM 4.2 version of the product, users are expected to go through a post-installation step for updating the version of JRE to 1.8 (it comes packaged with JRE 1.7 by default). This can be done using TIBCO ActiveMatrix Updater Tool for Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Software that can be downloaded from TIBCO download site (

Please refer to classic BPM 4.2 product documentation here for reference:

Please follow the instructions listed in TIBCO ActiveMatrix Updater Tool for Java Runtime Environment (JRE) User's Guide as stated in the link above to upgrade the ActiveMatrix BPM system to use JRE 1.8.

Below are brief list of steps documented above:-

1) Allocate amx_bpm component
2) Stop the amx_bpm server component
3) Extract the TIB_amx-jre-updater_1.1.0
4) Place the jre 1.8 into TIBCO_HOME/tibcojre64/1.8.0
5) Run the TIB_amx-jre-updater_1.1.0 tool
a. ./TibcoUniversalInstaller-x86.bin -console
b. Follow the wizard pages and select the TIBCO_HOME where the component is allocated
c. Locate the tool amx_jre_updater in the TIBCO_HOME/amx/3.3/bin/ folder
d. Run ./amx_jre_updater update -jreHome TIBCO_HOME/tibcojre64/1.8.0
6) Delete the TIBCO_HOME/tibcojre64/1.7.0 folder
7) Restart the component

- It is important that once the JRE is upgraded to 1.8, any other prior versions of JRE folder be moved outside of tibcojre64/ folder to some other location.
- Value for TIBCO_HOME runtime context variable can be gathered by looking at the engine log file for engine instance on which the component is running.


This article describes the post-installation task required to upgrade the JRE used by ActiveMatrix BPM 4.2 to JRE 1.8

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