PublisherActivity timed out when publishing messages to Google Pub/Sub topic

PublisherActivity timed out when publishing messages to Google Pub/Sub topic


Article ID: KB0075632


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Google Cloud Pub/Sub 6.x


Publishing messages via PublisherActivity failed and ended up with activity timeout error.
This issue is because the service account which is used by the PublisherActivity does not have the sufficient permissions.
Since the PublisherActivity will firstly get the topic list from Google Pub/Sub project to check if the topic assigned to the activity exists before it publishes a message to the topic, it requires pubsub.topics.list permission which is issued by "Pub/Sub Viewer" role.


PublisherActivity timed out when publishing messages to Google Pub/Sub topic


All Supported Platforms


The IAM Member used by PublisherActivity not only should be assigned "Pub/Sub Publisher" role but also "Pub/Sub Viewer" role.
The higher roles such like "Pub/Sub Editor" or "Pub/Sub Admin" could also be used.

Additional Information

Google Pub/Sub Publisher, PublisherActivity, Timeout