Python integration documentation and Example Python scripts for Python Node in workspace

Python integration documentation and Example Python scripts for Python Node in workspace


Article ID: KB0074050


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.1 and higher


This article shows how to find the Python integration documentation and provides an example Python script node. 


Python integration documentation and Example Python scripts for Python Node in workspace




1. Python documentation available currently

User can double click on the Python Node in workspace to open the python node parameter dialog, and then click on the question mark "?" located on the top right corner of the parameter dialog. User will be directed to our Statistica Electronic Manual on "General Scripting Host WPF Nodes". Scroll down the help page to Section 3.3 and 3.4 which describes Python scripting options. 

This is the Python documentation we currently have. We may add more detailed examples in future Statistica releases. 

2. Example workspace with Python Node to take inputs and generate outputs

Attached include an example workspace for user reference with Python Node deployed to take Statistica spreadsheet node as inputs and generate outputs to "Reporting Documents" node.

Please read "readme.txt" file before executing the example workspace.

Additional Information

Note: For information about how to use the Python node, please refer the KB articles below:
KB000031815: "Import and Export python script in Python Node in workspace"
KB000032912: "Example Python node with Python and IronPython scripts to take inputs from upstream spreadsheet nodes"


Python integration documentation and Example Python scripts for Python Node in workspace get_app
Python integration documentation and Example Python scripts for Python Node in workspace get_app