RUL-4510 error shown on MDM UI while creating Business Process Rule

RUL-4510 error shown on MDM UI while creating Business Process Rule


Article ID: KB0079461


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO MDM 9.0.0,9.0.1


Following error is shown on MDM UI when clicked on Business Process -> process definition selection -> Default -> Create

RUL-4510: Failed to retrieve a rule. for user XXXXX, organization XXXXX, business process rule Process Definition Selection, template name Default. XML-8621: Cannot translate XML <MqException: BEGIN> Code: JAV-8001: Unexpected error. Class: 'Unknown' and method name: 'Unknown'.

 Such errors are shown while creating Business Process Rules when MDM is configured with SQL Server Database.
MDM requires SQL Server specific rules to be present in $MQ_HOME/config directory in order to create Business Process Rules. This issue causes because of these rules are missing from $MQ_HOME/config directory.

The step to copy the rules is mentioned in MDM Installation Guide. However if this step is missed during installation, this issue occurs while creating BPRs.

Even after copying these rules,It will occur for existing enterprises.


RUL-4510 error shown on MDM UI while creating Business Process Rules specific to SQL Server Database.




Perform following steps in given order to overcome this issue with the existing enterprises:

We need to  modify the query parameters to + instead of || on Process-Definition-SelectionDefault*.xml which is located under rules of that enterprise.

SELECT DEFINITION, NAME + ' - ' + DESCRIPTION FROM CONFIGURATIONDEFINITION cdv WHERE type='PROCESSNAME'  and (OWNERID=  $OrganizationID$ OR Global='Y') and Selector like 'WORKFLOW%' and ACTIVE='Y' and MODVERSION = (SELECT MAX(modversion) FROM CONFIGURATIONDEFINITION cdv1 WHERE cdv1.selector = cdv.selector AND cdv1.ownerid = cdv.ownerid AND cdv1.selector = cdv.selector AND cdv1.NAME = cdv.NAME)

Note: Above changes are specifically needed for existing enterprises only.Enterprises created After running the copyRulesForSqlServer.bat script this change is not needed.

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