Products | Versions |
TIBCO Streaming | 10.x and later |
configuration = { StreamBaseEngine = { jvmArgs = [ "-Xmx2048m" "-Xms2048m" "-XX:+UseG1GC" "-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500" "-XX:ConcGCThreads=1" ]The -Xmx sets the maximum heap. And -Xms sets the pre-allocated memory. We recommend these be set the same to keep the garbage collector from evaluating whether to request more memory from the OS. Examine heap use and garbage collector behavior under production-level loads to determine an appropriate value to replace the "2048m" (two gigabyte) value in this example.
"-verbose:gc" "-Xlog:gc:gc.log" "-XX:+PrintVMOptions"
These create a gc.log file in the node directory and this file is included when creating a node snapshot for troubleshooting. Create a node snapshot ZIP file using command:
epadmin –servicename={nodename}.{clustername} create snapshot
The gc.log file shows the type, frequency, and effectiveness of each garbage collection event. There are many online guides and utilities for how to interpret this log. In a well running Java application, garbage collection is able to regularly return the Heap use to a consistent lower boundary.
If you are running a LiveView server (LDMEngine) in the node, make sure the minimum -Xmx setting is “4g”, and add the following system properties outside the jvmArgs section:
systemProperties = { "liveview.lvmonitor.enable.os.cmd" = "true" "liveview.lvmonitor.enable.profiler" = "true" "liveview.lvmonitor.profile.oldest.hours" = "48" }
The 'os.cmd' option turns on use of 'sar' on Linux systems to report to the engine log system resource performance metrics. The 'profile' options enable the integrated 'sbprofile' process which logs to the node lv-profile/ directory. The old profile logs are removed if they are older than 48 hours to keep from using excessive disk space. These logs are included in the node snapshot report.
The same profile logging may be enabled by running the ‘sbprofile’ command and connecting to a running server as described in the documentation here:
TIBCO Streaming > StreamBase References > Command Reference > sbprofile
Also, see the topics in section:
TIBCO Streaming > Test/Debug Guide > Profiling Operator Performance