Refresh 53 of TIBCO Cloud™ Live Apps is the last release to support TIBCO Cloud™ Live Apps for Android (1.5.0) and TIBCO Cloud™ Live Apps for iOS (1.5.0)

Refresh 53 of TIBCO Cloud™ Live Apps is the last release to support TIBCO Cloud™ Live Apps for Android (1.5.0) and TIBCO Cloud™ Live Apps for iOS (1.5.0)


Article ID: KB0106908


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud Live Apps Refresh 53


In Cloud Liveapps Refresh 53 we have announced the depreciation in What's new of TIBCO Cloud Liveapps for Android and iOS and in Cloud Liveapps Refresh 54 we will be removing the applications from the app store in iOS and Android Store so they are no longer downloadable.


Refresh 53 of TIBCO Cloud™ Live Apps is the last release to support TIBCO Cloud™ Live Apps for Android (1.5.0) and TIBCO Cloud™ Live Apps for iOS (1.5.0)


TIBO Cloud Liveapps


It is recommended that customer still using these applications move off of them before they are removed from the product.