Resolve "Disconnected from node" error when publish message to Kafka

Resolve "Disconnected from node" error when publish message to Kafka


Article ID: KB0070952


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Apache Kafka 6.x


While sending messages to Apache Kafka using the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Plug-in for Apache Kafka, the SendMessage activity fails with the below error:
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-KAFKA-500005: Exception occurred while send message to broker. Disconnected from node 0



Resolve Disconnected from node error when publish message to Kafka


All systems


The error usually occurs when the firewall forcibly closes a connection. To overcome such an issue, please assign a non-zero value in the SendMessage activity -> General -> Retries.

This will make the Kafka client auto-resend the message in case of a transient error.