Resolving SSL Problems in Substation ES v2.12.0

Resolving SSL Problems in Substation ES v2.12.0


Article ID: KB0079093


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Substation ES 2.12.0


An attempt to use SSL in Substation ES v2.12.0 may result in failure, with an error message in the log that looks like the following:

06:34:10.9161 SXG2800I Starting ~ Substation ES - EMS ESB 01

06:34:11.0931 SXT5488E IId:ESB01 Failed to establish EMS Connection

EMS-SERVER-QA Reason:Invalid Protocol (EMS status:15)


The error occurs because of an incompatibility with the current EMS SSL. It afflicts all current hotfix levels of Substation ES 2.12.0

The appropriate library is available in Substation 2.12.1 hotfix 1, which can be installed in a substation ES 2.12.0 environment. Any future hotfixes for Substation v2.12.0 will include these changes.


SSL problems in Substation v2.12.0 can be resolved by instaling v2.12.1 hotfix 1


The problem can be rectified by downloading and installing Substation ES v2.12.1 hf#1 in your v2.12.0 environment.

Substation ES v2.12.0 must be updated to hotfix #4 before installing v2.12.1 hf#1.

Installing the hotfix will overwrite your SSL configuration. You can either note down your current settings and use the SSL panel to re-apply them after the installation, or follow the steps below.
  1. Export your Config File (VSAM) using SXT3CFUT with your current software version
See <userhlq>.JCL(SXSCFEXP)
  1. Apply Substation ES 2.12.1 HF001 to your system
  2. After applying HF-001, rebuild Config File with SXT3CFUT using the exported data from step 1
See <userhlq>.JCL(SXSCFDEF)     - defines new file
See <userhlq>.JCL(SXSCFIMP)      - import old data
 This process will preserve all your Config File definitions especially ESB ones that use SSL