Issue: Customers may experience the "Invalid Query Locator" error when querying data from Salesforce while using the TIBCO Scribe Online Connector for Salesforce.
Error from the TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect agent logs:
Message: Execute process failed:
Exception Type : Exception
Message : INVALID_QUERY_LOCATOR: invalid query locator
StackTrace : at Scribe.Adapter.Salesforce.Behavior.HandleException.CatchException(Exception ex, String query)
at Scribe.Adapter.Salesforce.Services.SalesforceService.RetrieveMultiple(String objectName, String query, String queryLocator, Boolean includeDeletedItems)
at Scribe.Adapter.Salesforce.DataAccess.SalesforceDataAccess.<RetrieveDataInternal>d__28.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
at Scribe.Process.ProcessStep4AddnewUserRelationshipstoGroups.Execute(Dictionary`2 settings, IEnumerable`1 dataEntityInput)
at Scribe.Core.Processor.ProcessSupport.ExecuteCallProcess(Guid callingProcessId, Guid processId, Dictionary`2 settings, IEnumerable`1 dataEntityInput)
This is a Salesforce error. A query locator represents a server-side cursor for a query. Typically a query locator is returned when not all the records requested in a query fit into the returned data set. Also, query locators can be seen as cursors that provide pagination of the data in Salesforce.