Retirement Notice for TIBCO Simplr Service

Retirement Notice for TIBCO Simplr Service


Article ID: KB0107324


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Simplr -


March 13, 2018

TIBCO hereby announces that it will retire the following product, as of 11:59 pm Pacific Time on March 20, 2018.

  • TIBCO Simplr® (

Customers with active subscriptions will be supported according to the agreed upon subscription term. During this period, TIBCO Support will continue to service this product as explained in customer subscription agreements.

Access to the Simplr Cloud service will be discontinued on the retirement date for trial and beta accounts. These accounts will not have access to projects and data after the retirement date.

We encourage customers to contact their TIBCO Account Executive with any questions you may have about this notice and to find out about alternative support options or migration strategies, which may be available and applicable to you.


Retirement Notice for TIBCO Simplr Service

