Run the Automation Services job as a specific user when Kerberos authentication is setup

Run the Automation Services job as a specific user when Kerberos authentication is setup


Article ID: KB0079085


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Automation Services 7.7 and higher


Run the Automation Services job as a specific user when Kerberos authentication is setup.


Run the Automation Services job as a specific user when Kerberos authentication is setup.


 Modify the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config to enable kerberos authentication. To make this configuration available within the centralized configuration so that it can be applied to any Automation Service within the environment, make sure to export the configuration using the CLI and follow the steps below to update the configuration file. Edit the "Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config" file and replace the section "automation" to the one listed below and then set usekerberos to "true" and specify an account within KerberosIdentity.
  <automation maxWaitTimeForTaskBackgroundJobToFinishSeconds="180" maxConcurrentJobs="-1" useKerberos="true"> <!-- Add section below and set useKerberos="true" above to run automation jobs as a specific Windows identity when delegated Kerberos is enabled. --> <!-- Otherwise the jobs will be run as the Node Manager service identity. --> <kerberosIdentity userName="domain\username" password="password" /> </automation> User-added image Note: For versions 7.5 and 7.6, [useKerberos="true"] and [<kerberosIdentity userName="domain\username" password="password" />] should be added within the <automation> section. 

Additional Information

Refer to the following documentation on how to manually configure and update services: