Running iProcess installer "setup.exe" in GUI Mode results in no window dialog being displayed

Running iProcess installer "setup.exe" in GUI Mode results in no window dialog being displayed


Article ID: KB0080043


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Windows) All supported versions


When installing an iProcess product on Windows in GUI Mode the Welcome dialog is not displayed after running "setup.exe".

Even leaving the installer to run for several minutes does not result in the dialog being displayed.

Viewing the Windows Task Manager the "32-bit Setup Launcher (32 bit)" App can be seen as running.

All the installation requirements have been met such as:
1. Ensuring the correct pthread.dll is being used.
2. Copied the pthread.dll file to the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64 folder.
3. The computer’s PATH system environment variable includes the %systemroot%\SysWOW64 folder.

Even workarounds such as below make no difference:
1. Copying the pthread.dll file to the temporary installation directory where setup.exe resides.
2. Deleting the temporary directory created when setup.exe is run.


Running iProcess installer "setup.exe" in GUI Mode results in no window dialog being displayed even after waiting several minutes. Running applications or processes need to be terminated to allow the installation to succeed.


Windows operating system


After running "setup.exe" and while it is waiting:
1. Run Task Manager
2. Select to “Details” tab
3. Right-click on “Setup.exe” and select “Analyze wait chain”, for example:

Analyze wait chain

Listed applications or processes

4. If there are any applications or processes listed they need to be closed to allow the iProcess installation to succeed.

Known applications listed that stop the iProcess installer are Skype (lync.exe) and Word (word.exe).