Customer would like to start multiple sessions of S-PLUS running on the same machine
Running multiple S+ sessions
Product: TIBCO Spotfire S+
Version: All supported versions
OS: Windows
This can be achieved with the use of the flag /MULTIPLEINSTANCES.
This can be added to the Target: line of your Spotfire S+ shortcut icon in Windows, then everytime the shortcut is clicked, a new instance of S-PLUS will open. To set this, right-click on your Spotfire S+ icon and select “Properties”. Scroll to the end of the Target line and add a space and then ‘/MULTIPLEINSTANCES’. The target line would then read:
For S+ 6.2 "C:\Program Files\Insightful\splus62\cmd\SPLUS.exe" /MULTIPLEINSTANCES
For S+ 7.0 "C:\Program Files\Insightful\splus70\cmd\SPLUS.exe" /MULTIPLEINSTANCES
For S+ 8.0 "C:\Program Files\Insightful\splus80\cmd\SPLUS.exe" /MULTIPLEINSTANCES
For S+ 8.1 "C:\Program Files\TIBCO\splus81\cmd\SPLUS.exe" /MULTIPLEINSTANCES
For S+ 8.2 "C:\Program Files\TIBCO\splus82\cmd\SPLUS.exe" /MULTIPLEINSTANCES
Click “Ok” to apply the settings and close the dialog box.
You will need to do this to all icons you use to start S-PLUS.