SDK error while starting ADB adapter in BW6.x: SDK error in method <main()>: Error code: AESDKJ-0449

SDK error while starting ADB adapter in BW6.x: SDK error in method <main()>: Error code: AESDKJ-0449


Article ID: KB0081833


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Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Database 7.2


AESDKJ-0449 error when starting TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Database in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x . Below is the error detail:
Starting Adapter... 
Processing /tibco/private/adapter/AdapterForDatabase/AdapterForDatabase ... 
Got SDK error in method <main()>: 
Error code: AESDKJ-0449 
Error Message: "Invalid assoc key: class/name/." 
Adapter is stopped... 

The cause is that when updating the P table name configuration, it prompts to delete the Schema (this is expected). However, after deleting the old non-used schemas, it fails to create the new one for the updated P table name. This results in the run time error that the adapter can not find the associate class, i.e., Error Message: "Invalid assoc key: class/name/."


SDK error while starting TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Database with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x : SDK error in method : Error code: AESDKJ-0449


The basic problem is in Adapter configuration file(*.adadbmodel).
Below is the workaround for this:

Change the publishing table name in Publication Options tab and save the file, open the Adapter configuration file(.adadbmodel) in Text Editor mode and search for the publishing table name in *gac:ProducerChannel line which is present at the end of the file. 
Update the publishing table name manually and save the file.