To resolve this error:
1. Remote into SDMS server with administrator privileges.
2. Stop the SDMS Service
3. Launch Command Prompt as an administrator and run "regsvr32 SDMSServicePS.dll" (from the SDMS installation directory)
4. In the same command prompt, run "SDMSService /service" to re-register the SDMS Service
5. Reset IIS with iisreset command
6. Start the service
Check if the error is resolved. If the error persists, browse to the SDMS Installation directory and ensure that security for files : SDMSServicePS.dll and SDMSService.exe is as follows:
IUSR has Read and Read&Execute
SWS_SDMS_USERS group has Read and Read&Execute
Check if the error is resolved.
If the error still persists, launch Control Panel and click on Application Pools and chose SDMSAppPool then advanced settings.
Change the identity from Application pool Identity to Network service.