Statistica Document Management Service(SDMS) fails to start: Error 0x800405f;0x8004050f or Error fails to load user details from database

Statistica Document Management Service(SDMS) fails to start: Error 0x800405f;0x8004050f or Error fails to load user details from database


Article ID: KB0078765


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Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13 and higher


SDMS Service fails to start with Error 0x800405f;0x8004050f

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Or logon to SDMS admin/client tool fails for both domain users and the default admin account with Error:
Failed to load user details from database
Code: 0x80040e37
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This Error typically indicates that SDMS service could not connect to the database provided. This can be confirmed by opening Control Panel >>System and Security>> Event Viewer>>Application and Services logs>>Statsoft and looking for the error : Could not establish a connection to the database

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1.Admin Login credentials on SDMS server
2.Details of SDMS database and ability to connect to SDMS database


Statistica Document Management Service(SDMS) fails to start: Error 0x800405f;0x8004050f or Error fails to load user details from database


If the Username/password  or Server details changed for the SDMS Meta Database, update the database details for SDMS in the following method:
1. Create a copy of SDMSOpts.xml from the SDMS installation directory (Default location : [Drive]:\Program Files (x86)\Statistica\SDMS) in My Documents or Desktop.

2. Right click on Desktop or My Documents and select New>> Text document. Right click and click on Rename and change the extension to .udl.

3. Windows may warn you that changing the extension of the file could render the file to be unusable. Click Yes on the warning. Double click and open the udl file and choose the provider and enter database details as required. Ensure you click on Save Password. To see details of this procedure, click here

4. Windows will warn you that saving this file will save the password in a readable format, click yes again. Open the new file created with notepad and copy the connection string. 

5. Open the copy of SDMSOpts.xml with Wordpad. Change the ConnectionString Encrypted value to false and replace the connection string from the copied file between the <CONNECTIONSTRING> and </CONNECTIONSTRING> tags. Save the changes 

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6. Rename the SDMSOpts.xml in the SDMS installation directory to .bak file and copy and paste the SDMSopts.xml saved previously.

SDMS Service should now startup. If the same error still shows up, check for the 32-bit database client installation (especially when the database is Oracle and verify that the information in tnsnames.ora is still accurate)