SEVERE ERROR: Unable to open store [$ sys.meta]: [STATUS = 230, ERRSTR = com.tibco.tibems.tibemsd.internal.db.EMSDataStoreException: failed to open store: JDBC Driver class not found, driver class name = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver]

SEVERE ERROR: Unable to open store [$ sys.meta]: [STATUS = 230, ERRSTR = com.tibco.tibems.tibemsd.internal.db.EMSDataStoreException: failed to open store: JDBC Driver class not found, driver class name = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver]


Article ID: KB0073110


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service ALL


-> When trying to use Oracle database with EMS and getting this error:

SEVERE ERROR: Unable to open store [$ sys.meta]: [STATUS = 230, ERRSTR = com.tibco.tibems.tibemsd.internal.db.EMSDataStoreException: failed to open store: JDBC Driver class not found, driver class name = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver]

The error above indicates that the Oracle JDBC driver-jar file (e.g. ojdbc8.jar) could not be located on the path given in dbstore_classpath in the tibemsd.conf/tibemsd-db.conf file.


SEVERE ERROR: Unable to open store [$ sys.meta]: [STATUS = 230, ERRSTR = com.tibco.tibems.tibemsd.internal.db.EMSDataStoreException: failed to open store: JDBC Driver class not found, driver class name = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver]




-> Check the driver-jar file is under the correct path given in dbstore_classpath in the tibemsd.conf/tibemsd-db.conf file.

Additional Information

Please refer to the EMS User's Guide:
Database Stores -> Configuration in tibemsd.conf -> dbstore_classpath